All Things of Interest to the Government Contracting Community

​​​GSA MAS, 8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB...
Which one is best for your organization right now?

Join us on November 15 at 12:00 PM EDT as Pat Suarez, President of GSA Proposal, explains these different contract vehicles and which one is best for your organization right now.

Topics Covered will include:
What is GSA MAS? What is 8(a)? What is HUBZone? What is WOSB and EDWOSB  Certification?
Which one is best for your organization right now?
How many certifications am I allowed to get?
Is there a specific order I should get these in?
Why do I need to have my own contract?
How to make my contract a success?

This online event is interactive. Bring your questions
This event is 
complimentary, but we do ask that you register:
Click Here to register