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SEWP VI Amendment 4 extends the proposal submission deadline... 

Never before has a contract been so Small Business Friendly in terms of certifications as SEWP VI.

Certifications are mandatory, but the grace period for getting those certifications for Small Business is unprecedented.

Now, SEWP VI Amendment 4 extends the proposal submission deadline from 12pm EST on July 25, 2024, to 12pm EST on August 28, 2024.

To those of you who were unable to attend our previous Webinars, we will be repeating this on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 12:00 PM ET.

To those of you who were able to attend, we hope that you found the event informative and useful. Our primary goal was to increase your understanding of SEWP VI and the certifications that are required, as well as the "grace period" for getting those certifications for Small Business.

SEWP VI: For Small Business Certs, there is still time.

SEWP Again?   

Sure... For Small Business, there is still time.

Now, SEWP VI Amendment 4 extends the proposal submission deadline from 12pm EST on July 25, 2024 to 12pm EST on August 28, 2024.

Join us Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET
when we will present another Live Webinar
Sign Up Now...

Our primary goals:

  • To increase your understanding of SEWP VI and the certifications that are required,
  • Make sure you are aware of the very generous "grace period" for completing certifications for Small Business.

It's not too late to start your certification.

This event is a Must Attend for anyone considering bidding on the NASA SEWP VI Contract

Click Here to be part of this exciting Complimentary on-line event!

We look forward to seeing you there!

GMS Audit: CMMI Certification * ISO certifications * Financial Services: SOC Reports, Earned Value Management, Cost Estimation, DCAA Compliant Accounting Services, and IPMDAR * NASA SEWP (O-TTPS ISO 20243) *ASME NQA-1 standards for Nuclear and SMART facilities.